Wednesday, August 20, 2008

aspiration : lil' chef series continued...

I've done seven paintings now for my lil' chef series, and I still have 2 more that I may do, but right now I'm kind of tired of painting lil' chefs. I have some other paintings/projects that I've been itching to start, so I may come back to them later. I've taken a few quick photos this evening to show the series as a whole and this weekend I plan on taking photos and getting ready to post them to Etsy to sell.

As excited as I am to post them to Etsy, I'm also kinda sad that soon they may be gone. As I have completed each one, starting with "bobby", I placed them on the window ledge in my studio room. Every morning when I check my email their cute, rosy cheeks & cheerful faces are there to greet me. It's really hard for me to part with my art sometimes, but I also love when someone else who likes my work, is excited to hang some of my art on their wall. In the end, it's all about happiness, and if my art makes someone happy, it makes me happy too!

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