Sunday, April 05, 2009

just in time for spring...

Finally after a busy week, I have been able to sit down and begin work on a new painting. It will be a series of three. The subject is dogwood tree blooms. We have a dogwood tree in our yard, and when it blooms in the Spring, I wish flowers could last all Summer.

I started cleaning out my closet in my studio room, and I stumbled upon some frames that I purchased awhile back. They are an ornate, silver metallic, painted wood frame set. The first frame is a series frame, which will hold all three of my dogwood paintings once finished. The other two I'm still uncertain of the type of flowers, but the paintings will definitely be floral. The frames are for our bedroom walls.  It seems like I never get around to working on anything for "us" so, I'm finally doing something that we can use and that will decorate our home.

Below are a few photos of my painting in progress. I had to wait for some dry time, so I figured while I waited, I'd post a few pics and write a blog entry.

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