Sunday, September 21, 2008

inspiration : halloween made out of clay

A few days ago while I was at work... a coworker friend of mine was telling me how she was working on some clay projects at home. It sparked my interest and I just happened to have some clay at home that I used on a few projects long, long ago.

A few weeks back, I purchased a miniature black, sparkly, wire tree for my table for Halloween. I was thinking though that it really needed something. So, when my friend was telling me about her clay projects...a little light bulb went off inside. Now a few skulls, a tombstone, a boney cut-off finger, a witch hat, a couple pumpkins, a black spider, a couple candy canes and a few eyeballs adorn my Halloween tree. It was so much fun working the clay, and trying to figure out what would make each ornament unique. I just might have to make some more for Christmas!


  1. You have more creativity in your pinky fingernail than I have in my entire body.

  2. Brilliant creation..! I love that Halloween tree most.



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